Special Call for Interactive Proposals

Interactive Elements, formally called Installations, are the experiences that set Seattle Erotic Art Festival apart from other art shows and performances. Having the chance to pick up a drawing pad and sketch people in bondage, write your desires on flesh, assist in an impromptu performance, and entering a lush garden of sensual delights are just a few of the Interactive Elements we have had at past festivals. And we want more. More of the same and different experiences, too.

The biggest restrictions we face in planning SEAF are those imposed upon us by time and space. Our layout of the festival within the Exhibition Hall must be finalized before the Call For Art closes, so we have decided to put out a call for Interactive Elements proposals during the month of November. Moving the deadline for Interactive Element proposals to November 30th means we can take your fantastic ideas into account as we finalize the layout for SEAF2023. Yes, you read that right: interactive proposals must be submitted before the Call For Art even opens.

What is an Interactive Element?

Interactive elements are art projects, activities, or performances that are meant to be interacted with and/or engages participants via more that one sense. I know, it seems simplistic, but that’s the core. If the audience is allowed to touch it, talk to it, move it, sit on it, have it sit on them, so on and so forth, it is an interactive element. Interactive is made up of three categories.

Interactive – Unattended: Art projects or activities where interaction does not require supervision.

Interactive – Attended: Art projects and activities that require or are enhanced by the artist/attendant’s engagement with the participants. This engagement can include, but is not limited to, instruction, demonstration, assistance, and/or collaboration.

Interactive – Performance: An experience or performance that has fixed infrastructure and is dependent on a performer to create and cultivate the experience. (If your interactive performance doesn’t require a fixed location and is under an hour, you will want to submit during the regular call for art in the Ambient Performance category.)

How to Submit an Interactive Proposal

All proposals must be made via email to installations@seattleerotic.org. Your proposal doesn’t have to be finished or finalized, but if it is, that is a bonus. In your email, indicate which category your proposal belongs in and be sure to describe as many facets of your art project, experience, or performance that you can in order to give our curators plenty of information.

We do have a limited number of artist grants of up to $500 to bestow for materials or consumables related to the project. If you want to apply for funding, please include a budget in you proposal.

Proposal details to include or develop:

  • Name your project. It is understandable to have only a working title at this stage. Naming your project “untitled” makes it difficult for identification and tracking purposes. 
  • Explicitly describe how one can interact with your project or you.
  • Are you requesting assistance or material support before or during the festival?
  • Can you deliver and install your project on Wednesday, April 19, 2023? If not, describe when you want to schedule your install in order to be ready for the Friday 6pm opening on April 21, 2023.
  • Identify any power, lighting, or sound needs including, but not limited to, details of wattage, duration, and volume level.
  • Identify potential allergens, such as latex, peanuts, heavy scents, etc., and information demonstrating how you will be mitigating the impact of these to attendees
  • Identify any other potential safety hazards associated with your project and how you will mitigate them.
  • Will your project make use of liquids, gels, food, saliva, blood, slime, etc.? How will you contain, dispose of, and clean these things?
  • Do you need to secure any of your equipment?  Please note, no one may attach anything to the floors or walls or ceiling of the facility.
  • What is your plan for reducing the possibility of transmitting infectious diseases that may be spread through interaction with your project?

The Important Fine Print

At SEAF, interactive elements, presentations, and performances are an important part of our erotic expression and participant experience. As such, they may not include/result in:

  • Harassment or discrimination of any person or group.
  • Hate speech or messages intended to incite violence, harassment, or discrimination.  
  • Groping, simulated or actual sex, masturbation, hitting, or flagellation.  
  • Firearms of any kind.  
  • Pyrotechnics or open flame.
  • The consumption of alcohol as part of an interactive element.  
  • The use of live animals or glitter.

You can read the full document if interactive element guidelines here, and which all accepted will have to agree to upon acceptance.

If you have any questions, you can reach out to our Artist Liaison, Drea, at ArtistHelp@seattleerotic.org. You can also join our Executive Director, Sophia, and other SEAF staff at Gallery Erato on First Thursday, November 3rd at 6pm to discuss what Interactive elements at SEAF 2023 could look like.

And if you are wondering if you should submit your idea as a proposal, I’ll save you some time and tell you “yes” now.