A Letter from the Director

Hello Friends and Supporters,

Is everyone doing okay? It’s all right if the answer is no. We are all reeling from the events that are shaking our country and the world right now. So much is changing, and so quickly, that it is difficult to get a real sense of where it all will lead. All of us here at the Pan Eros Foundation, Consent Academy, and the Seattle Erotic Art Festival are all keeping our distance from each other and staying healthy. We hope you are doing the same. And we have a favor to ask.

The Pan Eros Foundation funds itself through events – both our own, and by renting out our gallery space. Due to the need for physical distancing and the stay-at-home order, we have not been able to host an event or rent out our space since late February. We have also had to postpone the annual Seattle Erotic Art Festival. We are hurting, like so many small businesses are hurting, and as of right now our chances of recovering do not look good. As much as it pains all of us, I am writing today to ask for your help.

The Seattle Erotic Art Festival was born out of a need to create a space where artists could showcase their erotic art proudly, and the public could come and see that art and be enriched by it. There is still a need for SEAF. The Consent Academy was born out of the need to create consent culture by giving people the tools to foster and respect the autonomy of one another. There is still a need for the Consent Academy. The Pan Eros Foundation was born out of a need to educate, to promote open conversation and access to education regarding a topic that is so ubiquitous but still seen as taboo in so many places. There is still a need for the foundation. We want to keep going. There is still so much work to do.

So please, if you can help now, we need you. Anything at all that you can afford to give, be it $5 or $500, will help us keep going. The Pan Eros Foundation is a 503(c)3 non profit, and your donations are tax deductible. Your donation will keep our lights on, keep our tiny staff paid, and make it possible for us to keep bringing art, as well as sex and consent education, to the greater Seattle area and beyond.

Donations can be made online here, or checks can be mailed to Pan Eros PO Box 4475 Seattle, WA 98194.

With gratitude,

Sophia Iannicelli
Executive Director

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